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CBSE Curriculum

Secondary Program Grade
IX & X


The Curriculum that is offered by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in Secondary and Higher Secondary grades 9&10 – Grade 11&12 are based on National Curriculum Framework -2005 and it seeks to provide opportunities for students to achieve excellence in learning. Envisioning all round development of students, the curriculum is a perfect blend of curricular domain equitable with curricular areas. In an operational sense, the secondary curriculum is learner-centred with school being a place where students would be acquiring various skills; building self-concept, sense of enterprise, aesthetic sensibilities and sportsmanship.

Compulsory Subjects

Group and Subjects

Group L
Subject 1

First Language
English Language and literature

The curricula in languages focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and, hence, develop effective communicative proficiencies.
Group L Subject 2
Second Language
Hindi / Telugu / French
Group A1 Subject 3


[Standard & Basic only in X ]

(Number Sense and Operation, Geometry and statistics) 

Mathematics includes acquiring the concepts related to number sense, operation sense, computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics, the skill to calculate and organize, the ability to apply this

Group A1
Subject 4


(Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

includes gaining knowledge about Food, Materials, The
World of the Living, How things work, Moving things,
People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural

Group A1
Subject 5
Social Science

(Geography, History,
Economics and Political

intends to make learners understand their cultural,
geographical and historical milieus and gain in-depth
knowledge, attitude, skills and values necessary to bring
about transformation for a better world.

For detailed information regarding admissions