A Healthy Body, A Healthy Mind – Food At Meru Made Nutritious

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When was the last time your kid enjoyed eating broccoli, spinach, or radish? Probably never! Because children are picky eaters. No child craves vegetables. But, that hasn’t stopped us from feeding them healthy food, has it! Over the years, nutrition science made superb headway providing deeper and crystal clear insights—with evidence—into the principles of children’s diets and nutrition. In addition to that, manifold research has made it evident that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. 

Parents face the biggest challenge of making the daily meals for kids as appealing as possible—not to mention the additional problems involved in making the food wholesome nutritious. It simply seems very hard to find food in ‘good taste + full of nutrition’ combination. But, it is easier than ever to accomplish the combination with science and nutritionists, who have a good understanding of diet habits and children psychology. Many schools nowadays are employing expert nutritionists to build custom diet plans to make sure the children receive all their vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, fat, etc.   

With current fast food trends and takeout habits, children are either being supplied excessive or insufficient amounts of nutrients, subsequently putting their health at risk. Unhealthy food consumption shows not only a negative impact on physical development but also affects mental growth. Poor nutrition has been linked to psychological problems, such as depression, stress and anxiety, and many other medical conditions, such as obesity, heart attacks, abnormal breathing, ulcers, and more. For instance, frequent consumption of soft drinks tends to increase blood glucose levels in the body; this is due to added sugars and high carbohydrates content in the drinks. And children nowadays love cold beverages! 

Sugar is essential, and a child gets the right amount of it from regular food. In contrast, added sugar in soft drinks contains empty calories, which, when consumed more than the recommended amount of time, contribute to hyperactivity, mood disorders, and increases the risk of obesity. Similarly, there are countless numbers of such mouth-watering eatables—chocolates, chips, cakes, whatnot—which when devoured regularly tend to cause health-related issues.    

Meru International School, with the help of expert nutritionists, built lunch plans for children of different ages—because not all age group children require the same amounts of nutrients. The food at the school is prepared and served under hygienic conditions, with cooks carefully washing all the vegetables and fruits before cooking and attendees serving the food to the children with masks and gloves on. The school makes sure to provide children with well-balanced nutrition so that the kids can get sufficient fuel to stay active the whole day and live a healthy and energised life. This way, parents can rest relaxed knowing their ward is well-nourished at the school.

While talking about health, most of us forget to address one of the life-sustaining elements: Water. Water is as essential as food—in fact, even more. We can survive up to a couple of weeks without food, but can barely make it a day without water. 

Did you know? Water makes up on average 60% of human body weight. 31% of human bones comprise water. Thus, it is evident how essential water is! 

The benefits of drinking water are no secret to anyone. From flushing out toxins from our body to carrying nutrients to all cells of our body, water is the foundation on which the human body operates. Meru International School makes sure to provide good filtered water to kids. Each floor is equipped with the latest water filters, which are regularly cleaned.

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