Merutsav 2023 Brilliance

Empowering Brilliance: Merutsav 2023 - Where Students Shape the Stage

The resounding triumph of this year’s Merutsav was truly remarkable, drawing an astounding registration count of 5500 participants. The event encompassed an impressive array of 85 competitions, setting the stage for a riveting showcase of talent and skill. With a remarkable participation of 65 schools, Merutsav’s allure extended far and wide. Under the resonant theme of “G20 summit – One Earth, One family, One future” or Vasudeiva Kudumbakham, the essence of unity and global harmony was skillfully woven into the fabric of most games. This creative integration added an intriguing and refreshing dimension to each competition, infusing them with an element of interest and uniqueness.

By infusing the theme into various aspects, the event achieved a harmonious blend of both entertainment and a deeper message.The sports segment encompassed a spectrum of competitions including chess, badminton, football, basketball, table tennis, and taekwondo, all of which ignited fierce yet friendly competition.

Beyond sports, the event’s canvas expanded to encompass diverse domains such as art, dance, music bands, along with intellectually stimulating contests spanning mathematics, languages, science, and technology. The resounding engagement in each category bore testimony to the event’s resounding success in fostering a vibrant spirit of competition and creativity.

24th July - 4th August, 2023 - Sports

The Merutsav sports competition embodied a perfect blend of companionship and spirited rivalry among students. The event showcased an array of sports that brought out the best in participants. Chess enthusiasts demonstrated their strategic brilliance, while football and basketball exhibited exceptional stamina and team dynamics. The badminton matches were a display of clever shots and precision. In the taekwondo poomsae segment, students showcased impeccable formations that left an indelible mark.

External referees were present across various sports disciplines, ensuring an equitable and just environment for gameplay and accurate results. Their impartial presence upheld the integrity of the competitions. Across the spectrum, students excelled, each aspect of sports witnessing remarkable achievements. Merutsav not only celebrated skill but also the spirit of sportsmanship, fostering an environment where friendly competition thrived alongside mutual respect.

17th August, 2023 - Day 1

Merutsav’s enthralling Day 1 unfolded as a captivating showcase of diverse talents, featuring group dance extravaganzas, melodious music bands, and soul-stirring singing competitions. The stage came alive as students from different schools converged to present a mesmerizing fusion of artistry. The group dance performances exuded grace and energy, painting a vivid tapestry of movement and expression. Music bands struck chords that resonated deeply, weaving intricate melodies that enthralled the audience. The singing competitions were a testament to vocal prowess, as participants lent their voices to emotive renditions. Each segment showcased the extraordinary range of talents, underscoring Merutsav’s role as a platform for students to shine, connect, and inspire.

18th August, 2023 - Day 2

Merutsav’s captivating Day 2 brought forth a range of engaging competitions tailored for different age segments. The lower grades found their spotlight in enchanting dance performances and melodious music band showcases, where budding talents dazzled. The day’s offerings featured intellectually charged mathematical contests such as Game-e-thon. The event added an intriguing twist with the speed cuber competition, challenging participants to solve Rubik’s cubes in record time. Mime shows breathed life into silent expressions, while the Nukkad Naatak segment brought forth vibrant Hindi drama performances. Not to be overlooked, the Meru Masterchef competition spotlighted the culinary skills of the younger generation, drawing students from various schools to exhibit their gastronomic prowess. Day 2 truly embodied the essence of Merutsav as a platform where creativity, intellect, and flair unite in a celebration of young talent.

19th August, 2023 - Day 3

On the exhilarating Day 3 of Merutsav, the grand finale and closing ceremony marked the culmination of an exceptional journey. The linguistic prowess of participants shone through in Hindi and Telugu language competitions, where they eloquently discussed popular apps. The stage came alive with the vibrant solo dance competition Tarangalu, a display of individual artistry that left an indelible impression. The innovative “WION” (World Is Our News) challenge transported students into the realm of journalism, as they curated and presented news stories in a simulated newsroom setting. The event’s diversity extended to “Wrap Like a Pro,” a competition that ingeniously tested creativity by tasking students with eco-friendly gift-wrapping.

Day 3 and the closing ceremony were met with resounding success, as prize winners from various schools basked in the glow of their achievements. This year’s Merutsav was an undeniable triumph, a testament to its growth and significance. With each passing edition, the festival’s ambition only grows, promising even greater magnificence in the years to come. The harmonious convergence of talent, innovation, and camaraderie on this final day encapsulated the true spirit of Merutsav, leaving an enduring legacy of excellence.

Merutsav going beyond Hyderabad

Merutsav 2023, a spectacular event, saw enthusiastic participation from schools across the diverse corners of India. We were delighted to welcome over 400 participants from both northern and southern regions, as well as the western and eastern parts of the country. The schools that joined this vibrant celebration of talent and creativity included:

  • Chamba Millennium Public School – Himachal Pradesh
  • Podar International School – Jamnagar
  • Lalji Memorial Omega School – Chennai
  • Sri Ram Narayan Singh Memorial High School – Kolkata
  • Brahmavid The Global School – Raipur, Chhattisgarh
  • Peepal Prodigy Senior Secondary School – Coimbatore
  • Dalhousie Public School – Dalhousie
  • The Orchid School – Baner, Pune
  • Ganga International School – Patiala, Punjab
  • Brainwaves International School – Hapur, Uttar Pradesh


This grand event featured a wide array of online competitions encompassing art, music, dance, drama, literary pursuits, science, math, computers, and photography, making Merutsav 2023 a truly multi-faceted and enriching experience for all.

A Student Driven Event

In a remarkable departure from tradition, this year’s Merutsav wasn’t just a school event; it was a testament to student empowerment. Students played a pivotal role in shaping the event, from selecting competitions to crafting competition rules, and even volunteering to assist in the event’s organization. This transformative shift marked a profound transition towards a more student-centered approach, making Merutsav an embodiment of student initiative and involvement.