How to stay sane if you have to go under quarantine

productive things to do coronavirus quarantine

Corona is a deadly virus that has urged the public to maintain social distancing to limit the virus’ spread. It is a scary time right now, and that’s for sure. As the number of cases has been rising, people are asked to quarantine or isolate themselves to minimize the risk of spreading the virus. 

Social distancing refers to the act of purposefully reducing close contact with people. It also means avoiding mass gatherings and crowded places. Social distancing is essential for preventing the spread of the virus as it can spread through coughing, sneezing and close contact. By limiting the connection with other humans, we reduce our chances of catching the virus and applying it to other members of society.

Self-isolation refers to staying at home in a confined place, preferably your room and not come in contact with other people. This is another way to lessen the spread of covid-19. Anyone who has the virus or might have been exposed to it must limit its contact for 14 days. This is one of the most effective and the best way to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. If one is asked to self-isolate, we must follow the advice which is there to help you, your loved ones and the community safe. For most of us, being quarantined is a new experience because we’ve never known how it feels like staying inside four walls. 

Self-isolation can be tedious and frustrating. Some people might feel that their mood and feelings are being affected and they might feel low, anxious and worried and will have problems sleeping. They start feeling isolated and alone. There are a lot of uncertainties and unknowns, and it can be tough to stay calm and focused because everything we see and hear is about coronavirus. While it is essential to remain educated about what is going in this world right now, it is also crucial to take care of yourself at this time.

Here are few things to do to keep it in check during self-isolation:

  1. Meditate: meditation establishes a connection between our internal and external worlds. It awakens the body and benefits all aspects of the conscious and subconscious layers of our mind. It has been noticed that meditation helps improve the symptoms of anxiety and depression boost. 
how to meditate
  1. Workout: exercising is a great way to divert your mind. It helps in reducing negative mood and improves self-esteem and cognitive function. It also allows you to sleep better.


  1. Journalizing: writing in a journal is a great way to deal with negative emotions. When we write down our thoughts and feelings, we find it easier to deal with. By keeping a journal, we will get a fresh perspective on certain things, and you will be able to improve both physical and mental health. It enhances the functioning of the immune system.

 Listen to podcasts: Podcasts are a great way to get inspired and educated. The possibilities are almost endless. The podcast is a great platform to learn new things in the area of your hobbies and interests.


  1. Organize: Now maybe the best time to declutter or organize your closet or room! It makes you feel useful and might be fun too- going down the memory lane.

Self-isolation can be difficult and stressful, but preventing the stress is necessary and is the only way we can go back to our practice or normal.


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