Importance of Emotional Intelligence

importance emotional intelligence

Humans have various emotions. Happiness, fear, anger, shame, disgust, surprise, sadness, joy, love, frustration, anxiety, failure, achievement, jealousy, etc. the human brain is programmed to respond to different situations with different emotions. Like when you achieve something, you feel happy and proud, but when you lose something, you feel sad and frustrated. In a situation like this, when an individual’s emotional Intelligence comes into play, which helps them acknowledge their emotions and guides them into reacting to it coherently. We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, different ways to feel emotions and different ways of showing people the feelings. Recognizing emotions and learning to manage them is one of the most important skills one can have.

Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to perceive, access and manage the emotions of one’s self and others at the same time. In other words, emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel and act. It shapes our interactions with other people and helps us in understanding ourselves. It defines how and what we learn, and it allows us to set priorities. It is necessary to be able to keep our thoughts and emotions in check to have successful outcomes. The term ‘emotional’ in Emotional Intelligence is used broadly to refer to moods as well as emotions. Emotional Intelligence essentially describes the ability to join emotions and reasoning.

Importance of Emotional Intelligence:

  1. Self-awareness:if a person knows its strengths and weakness and how his actions affect others, then he is self-aware. Recognizing our emotional states and how they affect our thoughts and decisions is the key to cultivating self-awareness. A person who knows himself is better at handling and learning from constructive criticism.


  1. Emotional Regulation:It has to do with the ability of us being able to control our strong emotions in a given situation and not acting impulsively and destructively. Analyzing the situation and giving space and time to decide how we may reduce the negative feeling and face the issue cultivates self-confidence
  2. Empathetic: empathy refers to the ability to identify and understand the emotions of other people. When we empathize with others, we develop more profound and more intimate relationships. Empathy allows us to anticipate how our actions and behaviours influence other people as well as our own. Being empathetic helps us to see the world with a better view.
  3. Motivation:Emotionally intelligent People are self-motivated. They are very neutral when they encounter with failure and disappointment. They drive to achieve goals for personal reasons, not for rewards or recognition.


Being emotionally intelligent is a blessing in disguise. It helps you to be a better person and enhances your social skills. People with higher emotional intelligence find it easier to form and maintain interpersonal relationships and to ‘fit in’ to group situations.


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