Practical Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking Or Practical Thinking

The human brain is a stunning idea-generating organ. It comprises of thoughts and ideas that help in making decisions. Both thoughts and ideas play an essential role in our everyday life. They shape your life. That is why thoughts are known as the controller/director of all our actions. They influence actions, decisions, attitude and responses. Knowing our thoughts and keeping them in check is very important because it helps us understand our emotions and how we choose to behave. Quality of thoughts determines your vibe and activities. The more positive the thoughts are, the more positive the results are going to be. 

Positive Thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on happy thoughts, and the results are positive. It is a mental workout. Positive Thinking is the most important and powerful force in the universe. It helps in building the right attitude and believes in the successful outcome of every situation. 


Nevertheless, many scholars have found this concept to be little impractical. They say positive thoughts are delusional optimism because we cannot forecast the outcome of every situation. Positive Thinking masks the option of negativity totally out of our life. It betrays us to believe the reality does not exist. There may be times where the outcome might not be favourable, and these depend on the situations. The negative is as much part of our life as the positive is. They balance each other. 


 Instead, they have proposed a new type of Thinking, Practical Thinking. Practical Thinking is a new and modernized way of looking at both the negative and positive outcome of every situation. It prepares you for the best of both- promising and negative results. Practical Thinking makes your mind up for the future, and it does not give you any false hope and relatively makes you smarter. It is crucial for personal growth and creative living. This type of Thinking is not concerned with analyzing what you already know in multiple ways, it is rather concerned with the knowledge that you already have and using them efficiently to solve problems practically in the real world.


Here are a few ways to practice practical positive Thinking:


  1. Managing your thought process: We have control over our thoughts. Instead of always thinking negatively or positively, we should practice how to manage our thoughts. We should treat every situation as neutral.
Man using scissors to remove the word can’t to read I can do it concept for self belief, positive attitude and motivation
  1. Adapting to situations: This refers to having a dynamic mind and changing our thoughts according to the situations. The situations cannot change, but the way we think about it and deal with it can.


  1. Flexible in approaching problems: One has to be flexible to approach to the problems that life throws. There are good problems and bad problems. Good problems teach you lessons and make you a more creative person.


Practical positive thinkers, will always evaluate the situation and begin to look for positives in a negative situation. They, instead of sulking, deal with the situations. Practical positive Thinking is about being aware of the situations you are in and learning from evil and negative situations and outcomes. Please apply what you know, analyze the situation, understand it and improve the situation, rather than avoiding the possibility of it at all.


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